Sunday, February 21, 2010


I am so sick of winter. Noah looks outside the windows every day wanting to go outside and see the horses and the cows and play. It's soo freakin cold that we barely get out. He definitely does not like being out in the cold and I don't blame him...I can't wait till spring!!!

We're hoping to have a big garden this year. I bought a book...hahah.....and am going to read it and also get some help from my grandparents and actually plant a garden. I think it will be great for Noah to help me pull weeds and play around in the dirt...besides saving us a chunk of money. We spend so much on fresh veggies now because Noah eats mostly fruits and vegetables.

I'm excited because we got a second car seat and some more cloth diapering supplies which were needed....its funny how excited I get about baby supplies now. I would honestly rather spend the money on him than me.

He took two naps today....he really needed both of them. I just don't know if he is ready for the 1 nap a day thing...I guess I'm just going to go with the flow. He finally cut his tooth on the bottom so now he is back to normal sleeping again.

We've got so much to do around the house still, its driving me crazy but by the end of the day...I'm so exhausted that I can't get anything done and Bryan is usually swamped with homework.

When I start working we're really going to need some assistance. haha.

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