Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolutions/Menu Plan Monday

So... unusually for me, I didn't really make any New Year's Resolutions, at least not by New Year's Eve.  Normally, you'd find me with a notebook, pen and huge list of different resolutions that I needed to accomplish for the year.

This year, I kind of let them come to me over the past two days.

Family Resolution: move. enough said.
Relationship Resolution: serve my husband in love.  Trying to remember to do little things for him that show him how much I appreciate him and love him.
Personal Resolution:  whether its talking a walk or dancing with Noah around the house, incorporate fitness back into my life. I'd love to start taking a yoga class with the babies too.
Home Resolution: Menu Plan! I drive myself crazy every single day trying to think of what to make and this is an area of my life that NEEDS to be simplified, especially with baby #2 on the way.

So here it is... menu for the week.

Breakfast: leftover pancakes with raspberries & syrup
Lunch: turkey veggie rice soup (slow cooker experiment)
Dinner: cheese ravioli w/beans
To do: buy, yogurt, eggs, burger buns, & corn meal

Breakfast: yogurt & cereal
Lunch: PB&J's & oranges
Dinner: Thai Chicken Salad
 To do: make apple muffin batter

Breakfast: apple muffins & scrambled eggs (planning on cutting the sugar and swapping the flour for whole wheat)
Lunch: soup & sandwiches
Dinner: ham, mashed potatoes & broccoli 

Breakfast: muffins/apple slices/yogurt
Lunch: ham, red pepper & cheddar omelets
Dinner: homemade pizza
to do: thaw beef, get out ingredients for pumpkin pancakes

Breakfast: pumpkin pancakes
Lunch: annies mac & cheese w/beef  (it's a box I've had hanging around forever...!- kinda like hamburger helper but organic... should be interesting?)
Dinner: burgers & fries

Breakfast: leftover pancakes/yogurt
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: baked ziti & veggies
to do: soak beans, cut up veggies for slowcooker

Breakfast: smoothies w/whey protein & spirulina (bagels at church)
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: slow cooker veggie chili and corn bread

1 comment:

  1. Menu planning is a New Year's Resolution of mine, too! Thanks for sharing. I hope you post every week - I'll be looking for inspiration!


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