La Leche League - Find support in your area. La Leche League is the leader in all things breastfeeding and have professionals and non professionals available to help you and your baby get off to the best start!
Best for Babes -Their mission is to help moms beat the “Booby Traps“–the cultural & institutional barriers that prevent moms from achieving their personal breastfeeding goals. To inspire, prepare & empower™ moms. To give breastfeeding a makeover and give moms the solutions they need to make it work!
The Nursing Mother's Companion
The Breastfeeding Book
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Working Mother, Nursing Mother
Help! I don't want to breastfeed!
What should expect in the beginning?
Is this safe when breastfeeding?
Is my baby gaining enough weight?
Should I wean when my baby turns one?
I need to see a lacation consultant, where can I find one?
Be sure to see someone who is an IBCLC - this is important. Some lactation consultants are NOT as good as others.
My own advice
Ignore friends or family who insist that you need to "get that baby on a schedule" or to "put that baby down" or that "you're feeding that baby too much".
You can NOT feed a newborn too much.
Nurse on demand. It keeps your supply up and keep baby's weight up.
If you feel like something might not be right or are worried, ask for help! Find help from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
Enjoy every minute nursing your baby. When it feels exhausting and you want to cry, cry. It's okay.
Remember "this too shall pass".
Nurse when and where you need to. You have the legal right to nurse anywhere your baby needs to be fed.
Nursing past a year is normal. Babies and toddlers wean when they do not have the need to nurse any longer. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for at LEAST 2 years.