Thursday, September 2, 2010

Whew its been a while

I'm enjoying the return of my internet and not having to read blogs on my phone. It's a luxury that I have taken for granted... since.. well.. always.

We've been busy!

Bryan just finished up a 3-4 week overdrive working craziness schedule. Getting home at 2 am....leaving again at 8 or 9. Noah and I missed him a lot and are so happy to have him back for the evenings. Although, classes just started back up for him and he'll be out Thursday evenings till December. Once he is done with this semester, he'll be finished with his web development certificate which is awesome!

I've been, pregnant. Feeling 100% better than before, able to wash dishes and get through the day without wanting to die. I'm in my 18th week now and we'll be having our 20 week ultrasound in about two weeks. We're both excited to find out the sex of the baby. Baby is kicking a lot now and its fun when it takes me by surprise when I'm not even being aware of being pregnant. I'm still in the stage where if someone mentions it, I almost have to wonder what they are talking about. Then I remember, oh yeah, my belly is showing.

Noah has been talking, talking , talking. We have conversations now and everyday he learns something new and impresses me more than before. He is an incredible little boy. I am enjoying him so much right now...I am dreading the big birthday in three months... :-( I will cry just thinking about it.

Looking forward to blogging more about birth and other fun things soon. Stay tuned!

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