Noah is sleeping right now after a long day of terrorizing our apartment. Don't worry it was good terrorizing. I enjoyed it for the most part...its just the cleaning up after part thats not so great. Although, putting his little toys all back together in the basket and stacking his blocks, etc is a bit therapeutic.
We went to rerun fun today and bought some news books (dr.seuss, eric carle, etc) and a stacking blocks train. The sunshine felt amazing....he loves being outside. His new favorite thing to wear is his barn boots and he looks pretty darn cute in them too.
New job starts full time Sunday night. My first overnight went well.....just basically cleaning, keeping myself awake and the kids safe. Some nights will be easier than others. I'm still really apprehensive about spending so much time away from Noah even if it is while we would be sleeping. Since we cosleep its just such a hard thing to adjust to..not being near him for that amount of time. I think the benefits of the extra income definitely outweigh the negatives however.
I'm gonna go and start thinking/planning a garden! I've got my list of what I want to grow and now I need to figure out how to go about doing that.
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