Monday, April 22, 2013


Many days I'm sitting at home with my kids and I feel like something is missing. I make my coffee, pick up toys, listen to them laugh & play... but I'm craving that heart to heart with other mamas and family.

When Noah was a little baby and Audrey too, we lived on my parents farm. We saw them everyday and I was luck enough to have my grandmother living there too. My grandma would come over each morning. We'd make coffee together and she would snuggle my babes. I'd listen to her stories over and over and soak in her wisdom. Even when her visits were minutes long I cherished feeling her warm smile over me and sharing a hot cup of coffee together.

I'm craving community. And kinship. You know those few women (or men!) that truly "get" you? Whom you can shed tears with and laugh and bare your soul in front of and it results in a filling of your soul. I'm missing my kinfolk. As the spring begins, we are thinking about a move at the end of the summer. I'm hoping and praying the move brings us to a place where we can enjoy renewed community with others.  After spending a weekend with family and friends and returning home (200 miles away from them), this is what it boils down to.

How do you cultivate community where you live? Do you feel connected to others on an almost daily basis? Who are your 'kinfolk'?