Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why Homebirth

Here is a wonderful blog post written by one of my favorite bloggers on why she chose home birth. Her reasons are exactly the same as mine... written in the post below.

Why home birth?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Home Birth

Home birth. These words bring up a lot of connotations. Mostly, people would ask, WHY?

Home birth is for hippies.
Home birth is for accidents.
Home birth is something my great grandmother did.

Actually, home birth is for any healthy woman with a low risk pregnancy and well-trained birth attendants.

Tom Brady and his wife, Gisele Bundchen, had a home water birth with their baby boy.
Demi Moore, Meryl Streep, Pamela Anderson, Riki Lake are just a few more celebrities who have had homebirths.

Many, many women choose to birth at home. and these are sane, intelligent, healthy women.

My husband and I have chosen to plan a home birth for our upcoming arrival.


Continuity of care.

The midwives I’m seeing offer complete prenatal care and I always see one or both of them for at least an hour at every prenatal appointment.
This creates a good relationship and trust between caregiver and mother to be.
They come to my home for the 36 week prenatal appointment to familiarize themselves with the drive, house, and allow you to feel more comfortable with them in your home.
They will be at the labor and birth of my baby.
They come as soon as they can when you are having true contractions and stay through the birth of your baby and for hours after to make sure everyone is healthy and establishing breastfeeding, etc.
They return the next day to follow up and for the one week and six week appointments.

They provide continuous care from the first stage of labor to delivery.
In a hospital you are lucky if you get to see your doctor before pushing and your midwife more than once every hour or two.
There isn’t the hands on support through contractions or just the availability of the provider should you need them.


For low risk healthy women with a normal pregnancy, birthing at home with a skilled midwife is as safe or safer than birth in a hospital.
There are many studies that back this up.
When a complication arises, often a midwife at a homebirth will be able to identify it quickly because of the continuous care of the mother and baby and transfer care as soon as she realizes that there is a complication.

If there is bleeding after the birth, the midwife carries medication to help the uterus contract  and if she feels that it would be better managed in a hospital, she will treat while transferring care.
The midwife carries IV fluids should the mother need them.
If a baby or mother needs oxygen, the midwife carries oxygen and resuscitation equipment with her.

In fact, homebirth midwives carry all the same tools they would have at a hospital besides the operating room/anesthesia to a home birth.

We live less than 20 miles from the hospital, in the event that we would need to transfer care, we would be there within 30 minutes, typically the amount of time that the OR would take to set up for surgery regardless of whether you were in the next room or not.

Both of my midwives are certified in infant resuscitation and CPR. One is a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist and the other has also been an EMT for over ten years. Both have over ten years of experience delivering babies in and out hospitals and birth centers.

Another great benefit to birthing at home is the lessened risk of infection. Hospitals are full of sick people and many, many germs that you normally wouldn't want your newborn baby exposed to. At home, you are already immune to the germs that live there and you have control over who comes to visit.

Having had a difficult labor with Noah, I'm more aware now of comfort measures during labor and reasons why labors go longer and slower and how your surroundings affect that as well as positioning of the baby etc.

I'm prepared to deal with labor without pain medication by using a birthing tub (water is FANTASTIC during labor), self-hypnosis ( a relaxation technique that leaves you completely aware and in control but able to relax your body completely which facilitates and promotes smooth laboring),  different comfort measures such as massage, etc (from midwives, husband) and also acupuncture if needed (one of my midwives is an acupuncturist).

A home birth lessens the chance of unwanted interventions and keeps strangers who don't know about your birth preferences or philosophy from making unwanted suggestions or decisions regarding your baby.

In conclusion, we are very excited to have our baby at home and have done all the research to make an informed, intelligent decision. In the event we need the services of an OR or emergency room, we of course will be transferring to the hospital. We would love your support and can't wait to share our birth story with you!!

To see some typical home births check out these links (not graphic.. no worries)  Click on "our work" and then the upper right hand image to view video.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Breastfeeding & the Holidays

Noah isn't nursing right now but I remember that nursing during holidays the past two years always brought a lot of anxiety for me.

Relatives asking..."when are you going to wean?" or "are you sure you need to feed him again?"... etc.. etc. Besides the fact that its not always the most comfortable situation trying to nurse in front of a BUNCH of people who are close to you especially if they aren't familiar or supportive of breastfeeding.
And sometimes... older babies are too distracted by all the chaos to actually settle down and nurse.

My advice.... find a quiet place to nurse and make sure you tune into your baby's needs when they start to fuss instead of letting relatives tell you why they are upset or why they aren't. BREATHE.... mostly.. just breathe. If you can't relax, let down isn't going to happen very quickly.

Here's some useful links I found for nursing during the holidays

Beware of Holiday Weaning

Handling Criticism about Breastfeeding

Nursing past 1 year?!

Nursing Mother's Guide to Surviving the Holidays

Thursday, November 11, 2010

culturally created adversaries

Commentary from Jim McKenna & Helen Ball on a new sleep study: 

"The ‘sleep through the night’ cultural ideal continues to have other unwelcomed consequences: it promotes the view that infants and parents begin life as adversaries as it asks of infants something they are not biologically equipped to do given their inherent nutritional and emotional needs.."


Click here for commentary on sleep study 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

great post on the FREEDOM of attachment parenting

Hear that clankity, clank, clank, clank around your ankles, mama?

Those are the chains you're sporting from attachment parenting -- babywearing, breastfeeding and cosleeping, just to name a few.

Wear your baby?

Add a link.

Blend his veggies yourself?

Attach another.


Bring on at least a dozen more shackles.

Oh, you didn't feel them?

I didn't either.

In fact, I didn't even know I was being "victimized" and "imprisioned" until I read Erica Jong's Wall Street Journal article Mother Madness, in which Ms. Jong renders Attachment Parenting practices like babywearing and breastfeeding them imprisioning and likens them to modern-day tortures that actually bind women into parental slavery.

Respectfully, I must say, Ms. Jong, in regard to Attachment Parenting, you don't get it.

Jong states:

Attachment parenting, especially when combined with environmental correctness, has encouraged female victimization. Women feel not only that they must be ever-present for their children but also that they must breast-feed, make their own baby food and eschew disposable diapers. It's a prison for mothers, and it represents as much of a backlash against women's freedom as the right-to-life movement.

Jong rehashes her memories of being a single mother with a career in relation to a few AP practices. She says she liked breastfeeding, but her daughter hated it. And how on Earth was she to keep her child close by snuggling her daughter in a carrier while she was working when the workplace barely supports breastfeeding {a whole different issue!}?

Well, I wish someone would have shared with Jong quite a bit about Attachment Parenting and its "rules", as she calls them -- as likely she would have found AP practices to be freeing rather than binding and guilt inducing.

AP practices like sleep sharing, breastfeeding, babywearing and responding with empathy are tools we mothers {and dads} can use to help lesson the anxiety that comes with parenting a new life {or two or three or four} and help us mothers maintain a sense of ourselves while parenting.

By breastfeeding, we can go anywhere with baby and exert little planning. We don't have to fret over finding water or a place to mix formula or even remembering to bring the formula.

By babywearing, we have to free hands to go about our daily tasks while keeping baby close, easing mom's mind and the load on her arms.

By responding with empathy, we get to know our babies and understand what they need instead of becoming frustrated by their cries.

And the list of benefits extends beyond those few experiences that serve as examples of how mothers find freedom to maintain their normal activities while parenting.

Babywearing, for instance, doesn't have to be utilized by working parents solely as a way to take baby to the office; but rather it provides a means of being close when mom gets home, has to make dinner but also wants to snuggle her baby.

As Jong elaborates, her misguided perspective on AP becomes sadder and more absurd: she also blames AP for keeping parents from being active in governing decisions and positions:

Indeed, although attachment parenting comes with an exquisite progressive pedigree, it is a perfect tool for the political right. It certainly serves to keep mothers and fathers out of the political process. If you are busy raising children without societal help and trying to earn a living during a recession, you don't have much time to question and change the world that you and your children inhabit. What exhausted, overworked parent has time to protest under such conditions?

Attachment Parenting doesn't call for me to tackle parenting alone, without community {or family} support -- it encourages relationships between families and between our children and other trusted caregivers.

Our local Lake County AP group has been the opposite of isolating -- it's a community of overflowing support. I know if I need help, I can call anyone of my fellow AP moms, and they would extend care in a heartbeat -- I know this because I've been there, in a position of needing help.

When my dad died, some brought meals. When I needed a last-minute sitter so hubby and I could go to a group meeting, another AP mama was there. And so on.

As for AP practices making us parents too tired or worn out to engage in the political process? You'd find the opposite.

Many mothers in my local AP group are very involved in our goverment and political processes through voting, petitioning our congress people and even teaching classes -- and we pass these values onto our children as well.

This kind of involvement in the political processes obliterates Jong's theory of parenting being an avoidance strategy for us to escape bigger, global problems. She says,

It allows us to substitute our own small world for the world as a whole. But the entire planet is a child's home, and other adults are also mothers and fathers. We cannot separate our children from the ills that affect everyone, however hard we try. Aspiring to be perfect parents seems like a pathetic attempt to control what we can while ignoring problems that seem beyond our reach.


As AP parents, we are simply trying to raise children who will be thoughtful, compassionate, contributing members of society.
And with AP, we do that by MODELING behavior.

We act out what we expect -- whether that means treating others the way they want to be treated, clearing the dishes from the table, casting our premeditated votes on election day, sharing our food with those in need or volunteering for causes in which we believe.

Mamas, don't let anyone tell you that your job as a mother isn't important or that being a mother is just a trendy, fashion statement.

Don't let confused women like Jong persaude you into thinking that responding to your child with love and grace and affection isn't one of the most empowering and important jobs we women have.

While I raise my coffee mug in a toast applauding that we shouldn't place shackles on each other by creating lists of "you musts" or hinge our entire our lives on being successful parents, we must not take lightly the job of raising our children to become THINKING, COMPASSIONATE, CONVICTED people.

AP gives us tangible ways with which we can respond with thought and love, which, model for children how they, too, can respond in thought and love in small situations as well as very grand ones.

And our tools -- babywearing, breastfeeding and responding -- are just that -- tools that help us respond well and teach well how to interact with people and situations.

Mamas, you are, indeed, raising small people to become bigger people who will take on the larger problems we face as a global community.

And you, AP parents, are teaching them how to do it through expending great thought and great love that your little ones will one day echo.

It's not AP practices that are imprisioning me, shackling my feet and attacking my spirit-- rather it's women like Jong who insist that mothering is not an honorable, necessary job.

I've taken to heart advice dispensed through my Vantage Point 3 Emerging Journey leadership class regarding jobs, vocation and calling:

"Go where your deep desire and the world's deep need intersect."

For me, in this season of my life, that place of deep desire merging with the world's deep need is here, at home, mothering my children.

And this place, Ms. Jong? It's not a prision; it's a beautiful labor of love rooted in the deep soil of a soul who was created to be, yes, a writer and a teacher and an activist, but also, {equally wonderful} a mother. 

I'd like to add that it also seems to be the most instinctive, natural, God-intended way to parent children. The rewards have been tremendous, every, single, day.